From the Pinnacle Blog
Data Issues: Frequent Problems and Your Solutions
In the evolving actuarial profession, more and better data has replaced the data of years past.
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4 minutes
New Approaches, Old Method: Predicting IBNR with Machine Learning
A Pinnacle University group discusses machine learning and how it fits into the insurance industry.
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7 minutes
Reptile Theory Leading to More Nuclear Verdicts in the Trucking Industry
Reptile theory is a common strategy to elicit jurors to give a nuclear verdict.
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3 minutes
Belonging is an Outcome
Dalesa Bady discusses the CAS Student Central Summer Program and her experience as a mentor.
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4 minutes
4 Ways Insurance Companies Can Help Protect the Planet
Can the insurance industry help lead change to combat the growing regularity of catastrophic events?
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6 minutes
How the Rising Price of Lumber Could Impact Homeowners Insurance
Jordan Paszek explores the impact that inflated repair costs have on the insurance industry.
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5 minutes
Changing Hearts and Minds
Joseph Herbers contemplates the power of listening, and how listening leads to action.
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2 minutes
Will Artificial Intelligence Reshape Insurance and the Actuarial Profession Along With It?
This Pinnacle U group explores the emerging world of machine learning and how it fits into the
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3 minutes