Our expertise with transportation companies includes:
- Agricultural and livestock haulers
- Automobile carriers
- Bus companies
- Chemical and petroleum tankers
- Coiled steel
- Distributors of food, beverages, heating oil, hardware and other products
- Hazardous material (HAZMAT) transporters
- Less than trailer load (LTL)
- Limousines, including black and silver car services
- Logistics companies
- Moving and storage companies
- Taxicabs
Regardless of your industry segment, you must deal with these exposures every day. Taxicab and livery risks depend on unique workers' compensation laws and dramatically different usages by operator. Bus operations face a variety of legal differences by state. Trucking companies deal with issues ranging from pollution claims for tankers, cargo liability for less than trailer load (LTL) operations, and spoilage risk for agricultural and refrigerated trucking, just to name a few.
At Pinnacle, our focus is to quantify your claims liabilities’ expected ultimate costs and reflect your risk exposures’ unique characteristics. Our extensive experience indicates such exposures are not only manageable, but are controllable. Effective loss control, risk management and safety programs are essential to keep costs in check.
To help address your needs, we consider the multitude of your operation’s real-world circumstances to the maximum extent possible. Our reserve analyses estimate proper accruals for prior years’ claims. Our funding studies can estimate expected costs for next year’s claims. We can also help insurers design a specialty insurance product for your specific business requirements.
Whether your goals involve developing rates for trucking, taxi and school bus insurance products; funding feasibility studies for single parent and homogeneous group captives owned by trucking and public livery companies; analyses of transportation reinsurance programs or more, Pinnacle provides the tools and solutions you need.
Transportation Experts
Transportation Services
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis, whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use, as close as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Collateral NegotiationsPinnacle provides loss reserve analyses and other diagnostics in support of collateral negotiations associated with deductible and/or self-insured retentions.
Cost AllocationsPinnacle is experienced developing cost allocation mechanisms by member or department in the most equitable manner using elements such as – exposure, geographic cost differences and actual loss experience.
Deposition SupportPinnacle’s consultants are experienced in helping lawyers ask the right questions and understanding the answers in depositions of other actuarial expert witnesses.
Alternative Risk Transfer Program DesignPinnacle helps alternative market risk owners, captive managers and service providers determine risk retentions that optimize the balance between the cost of risk transfer and loss volatility.
Transportation Solutions
Who We Serve in Transportation
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